From: Tsachi Keren-Paz <>
Date: 25/09/2015 11:41:44 UTC
Subject: ECR/Ph.D Bursaries to attend 4 UK seminars on liability v innovation
Attachments: ESCR stipend call Liability v innovation.docx

Dear all,

FYI. Please circulate as relevant. The ad is attached.

Call to apply for Ph.D./Early Career Scholars bursaries to attend/present in ESRC Seminar series:

Liability v innovation: unpacking key connections 2015-2017  


As part of the above ESRC seminar series (details of which provided in the attached ad) the investigators seek to select six Ph.D. or Early Career Scholars with relevant research interests to attend the 4 (out of 6) taking place in the UK. Successful applicants will be awarded up to £400 to contribute towards travel, and if necessary, accommodation, for the seminars. Three of the seminars will be held at Keele University on April 18 2016, 4 May 2017 and 14 September 2017. The fourth seminar will be held at Durham University on 15 September 2016.

Naturally, given the cap (£400 to support attendance in all 4 UK seminars) this will be more attractive to UK ECRs/PH.Ds

Many thanks,

Professor Tsachi Keren-Paz
Research Director, School of Law
Keele University, Staffordshire, ST5 5BG, England
Office: CBC 2.015; Phone: 01782 734358
ESRC Seminar Series 2015-2017 ‘Liability v Innovation: Unpacking Key Connections’ 
Latest book: Sex Trafficking: A Private Law Response (Routledge 2013)
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